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Setting Objectives for North Star Achievement


Updated: Nov 17, 2024

Hello, Educational Leaders!

Now that you know how to identify your North Star Metric (NSM) and derive an effective Value Proposition (VP), the next step is to develop a roadmap that will show how to reach your NSM. In this 3rd newsletter issue of Educentric, let’s talk about the key component of that roadmap– Objectives.

What are Objectives?

An Objective is a goal. It serves as a stepping stone that leads us towards the achievement of the North Star Metric. An objective closes the gap between where you are now and where you want to be. Objectives are a critical element of project management —without them, you don’t have a succinct way to communicate your goals before and during the project, nor do you have a measurable way to evaluate your success.

Objectives are a high-level summary of the goals you hope to attain. They should be measurable, specific, and time-constrained.

The SMART acronym is an easy way to check if your objective meets the criteria:

Specific– Your objectives should provide clarity on what needs to be achieved.

Measurable– Your objectives should allow us to track progress.

Achievable– Your objectives ensure that our goals are within reach.

Relevant– Your objectives should align with the overall mission.

Setting Objectives

Setting objectives requires making challenging decisions and confronting the current realities. Where does your school stand presently? What are its strengths and weaknesses? Where do you envision your institution heading? What are your obstacles?

Once you have envisioned the desired future for your institution, you can create a roadmap and begin establishing objectives. These objectives serve as guiding milestones for you and your team, leading the way toward enhancing and advancing your school. While the North Star Metric is your long-term goal. Objectives are more short-term and should build on each other to collectively help you achieve the NSM.

Setting effective objectives will help you see what you want to achieve and how you plan to get there. Objectives help bridge the NSM to the strategy and tactics needed to carry the objective.

Why are they important?

Objectives are important because they convert visions into clear-cut, measurable targets.

They are vital because they provide focus, direction, and motivation to a school and its staff. They assist in prioritizing resources and efforts, increasing efficiency and accountability, and allowing for the measurement of progress and success.

Examples of Effective Objectives


Objectives are crucial in education as they provide an institution with a clear sense or purpose and direction. They also help educators and staff understand their roles and how they contribute to the overall goals of the school or program. By setting clear objectives, educational institutions increase their likelihood of success rather than relying on random efforts without a defined path.

Objectives do not answer the “what or the how” questions but instead describe the actions or activities needed to accomplish their goal. The objectives should complete the statement, “We must do this to accomplish our VP.”

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