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Crafting Your Schools' Value Proposition: What Do You Want Your School To Be Known For?


Updated: Nov 17, 2024

As we navigate today’s digital age and ever-changing education landscape, it is crucial for schools to stand out from the competition.

In this 2nd newsletter issue of Educentric, let us delve into the topic of creating a compelling Value Proposition (VP) for your school that resonates with your target audience and how this can help you be the best choice for your prospective customers that include staff, parents, and students.

What is a Value Proposition?

There are numerous schools and districts, but only one is like yours. A Value Proposition (VP) lets you communicate what sets your school apart, making it the ideal choice for prospective customers.


According to, a “Value Proposition” is a compelling reason that makes a product or service attractive to customers. Here are a couple of examples from the business world:

  • McDonald’s – Prompt service, affordable prices, kid-friendly atmospheres and promotions. “Let’s eat out!” (McDonald’s slogan from the 60’s)

  • Uber – Easy booking, direct, and pay for point-to-point transportation conveniently from your phone. “Safe, reliable rides in minutes.”

A catchy slogan, though impactful, is less crucial than the continual process of assuring your customers that your school is dedicated to meeting the unique needs of both students and parents. It is not a one-time thing but a constant deliberation of bringing in new customers while retaining the current ones because they see the value provided by your school.

As a guide, look at these sample questions that derive an effective Value Proposition:

  • What does your customer (student/ parent) want to achieve by attending your school?

  • What makes your typical customer happy?

  • What doesn't your customer like? What disappoints them?

  • How do you add value to your customers? What would cause students and parents to choose your school?

  • How do you eliminate what makes your customers suffer?

  • What do you offer to your customers? In what way do you want to be the best?

Developing a Value Proposition (VP) involves strategically positioning your schools in the market relative to competitors. This may include the basis on which you admit new students, your tuition fees and financial aid choices, your student-staff ratio, the types of graduates you intend to produce, etc.


Assessing Your Value Proposition (VP)

  • Is it clearly stated? Would someone unfamiliar understand what you are saying?

  • Does it reflect your values and beliefs? Your VP should align closely with your school’s mission and vision statements. It should reflect the core values and beliefs that drive your institution.

  • Is it Relevant? Ensure that your VP is relevant to your target audience. Consider what matters most to parents, staff, and students.

  • What is the Impact?. Establish metrics to measure the impact of your VP. This could include enrollment numbers, academic achievements, number of successful graduates, etc.

Sample Value Propositions

  1. Our students are prepared to be global citizens, being college and career ready when they graduate.

  2. We provide a world-class education in the arts.

  3. We provide a high-quality, top-notch education in STEM for all students.


At Educentric, we have developed a step-by-step methodology and process for directing schools to identify their Value Proposition—the ONE thing you want your school to be known for.

Using our comprehensive School Breakthrough Performance Model (SBPM), derived from the Hoshin North Star Framework, we teach schools to develop their VP and then identify the one metric that matters the most to support achieving that VP. Imagine a school selecting its pivotal measure—one that needs improvement or one it aspires to be known for.


Our team is made up exclusively of experienced educators who have the expertise, experience, and passion to help you transform your schools with our innovative and effective breakthrough framework. We can help you develop your Value Proposition and identify your North Star Metric. And we have a way to help you achieve them as well!

The results are extraordinary! For example, by embracing Educentric's NSM framework, South Bend, Indiana, has achieved the highest high school graduation rate in decades!

The bottom line is that crafting a compelling Value Proposition (VP) is essential for schools to differentiate themselves in today's competitive education landscape. Your school's VP should reflect its unique strengths, values, and vision and resonate with your target audience of staff, parents, and students.

At Educentric, we are committed to helping schools identify and articulate their Value Proposition through our School Breakthrough Performance Model (SBPM). We believe that focusing on a school’s unique skillset can achieve extraordinary results and transform their communities. Let us partner with you on this journey to excellence in education!

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Our mailing address is:

3200 N Ocean Blvd Unit 408

Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308

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